code flow timeline of past events... 2005
"Fake", aka "Critique of Pure Image
- Between Fake and Quotation"
7 October 2005: Opening of the project "Critique of Pure Image - Between Fake and Quotation" at the Center of Contemporary Art "Ancient Baths", Plovdiv. International exhibition (until 2005-11-08), three-day theoretical symposium with strong international participation (2005-10-08 till 2005-10-10).
"Collaborative Practices" @ Shedhalle
Our collaboration with the Art
Today Association (from Communication
Front to "Critique of Pure Image
- Between Fake and Quotation") is at the center of code flow's contribution
to the project and exhibition Polyphony
- Collaborative Practices, Part 2
22 April-15 May 2005 at Shedhalle,
of the "KonsequenZ" book
8 April 2005 at Les Complices, Zurich
of the "KonsequenZ" book
7 April 2005 at [], Basel
Soul Food - "Private" National Foods with Multinational Appetites
6 April 2005 at Les Complices, Zurich
<< more recent << 2007 << 2006
Extending this timeline into the present, and digging further yet into the past...
>> 1999-2004