code flow timeline of past events... 2006
Belgrade "Unlimited"
2006-12-09: Article by Dimitrina Sevova on a top-level art event, the East European art world system, socialist heritage and a peculiar "Inner Museum", as witnessed on the spot at the October Salon 2006 in Belgrade, Serbia, published in WeAreTheArtists No. 9 (January-April 2007). For your convenience, here is an HTML version of the article.
Online reviews of code flow's project at Haus für Kunst Uri
2006-11-11: The following two online reviews have been published about code flow's project luncheon on the grass - postproduction by code flow:
Digital Brainstorming Weblog: Wilhelm Tells digitale Reproduzierbarkeit (in German; by general stumm) Reproducibility of Wilhelm Tell, and a feminist exchange of roles (English translation; original in German; by Villő Huszai)
Maska: Arteast Collection 2000+23
2006-09-22: Dimitrina Sevova contributes her work "House Art" to Maska's Arteast Collection 2000+23 exhibition at Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Digitaler Dachstock #2 in Haus für Kunst Uri
2006-08-17 - 2006-11-17: code flow, curated by Martina Weber, are featured in the second edition of Digitaler Dachstock, the digital and media art attic at Haus für Kunst Uri in Altdorf in central Switzerland, with their new work luncheon on the grass - postproduction by code flow. The dates are 17 August-17 November, the museum being closed however from 25 September-20 October. An event will be announced for the beginning of November.
Article in Umělec
2006-06-16: Article by Dimitrina Sevova, Sparks from the Interaction of Art and Politics in Zurich, published in Umělec, 2/2006 (English, German and Czech editions). In Zurich you can find Umělec at the Kunstgriff bookshop.
The Figure of the Successful Media Curator
2006-06-09: Here's code flow's contribution of 2006-04-01 to the symposium Art - Place - Technology. International Symposium on Curating New Media Art at Liverpool School of Art & Design and FACT:
Dizzyland Article
2006-04-21 (updated 2006-05-05): An article by code flow on Dizzyland was published on the front page of WeAreTheArtists No. 7 (May 2006), and a complementary view on this video prize by Dimitrina Sevova can be found in our new cflow journal, to be launched soon (a bit delayed, as it seems).
Symposium on Curating New Media
2006-03-30 - 2006-04-01: code flow participate in the symposium Art - Place - Technology. International Symposium on Curating New Media Art at Liverpool School of Art & Design and FACT. Lecture "Identifications of curatorial practices in media space. The figure of the successful media curator in the first decade of the 21st century".
"Fake" Curatorial Presentation
11 January 2006, 18h: Curatorial presentation by Dimitrina Sevova of the project "Critique of Pure Image - Between Fake and Quotation" at Les Complices, Zurich. The documentation of the project will be exhibited on 11-14 January.
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