code flow projects and works
Curatorial Projects
27 July 2018, opening of Fold 1 of Digital Ecologies, Operaismo Naturale: Ecology of the Event (see also the site of Plovdiv 2019, European Capital of Culture) at the Center for Contemporary Art ‘Ancient Bath’ (6th September Str. 179) and the former tobacco warehouse SKLAD (Ekzarh Yosif Str. 16) in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
With works and interventions by Donatella Bernardi, Ursula Biemann, Luchezar Boyadjiev, Delphine Chapuis Schmitz, Voin de Voin & Simone Gilges, Jonas Etter, David Jacques, Monica Ursina Jäger, knowbotiq, Dominique Koch, Marlene Maier, Boyan Manchev, Angela Melitopoulos, Uriel Orlow, Ursula Palla, Elena Peytchinska, Elodie Pong, Isabel Reiß, Oliver Ressler, Dorothea Rust, Kerstin Schroedinger, Pascal Schwaighofer, Sandro Steudler, Axelle Stiefel, Kamen Stoyanov, Milva Stutz, Katharina Swoboda, Una Szeemann & Bohdan Stehlik, Lena Maria Thüring, and Alexander Tuchaček.
Curated by Dimitrina Sevova, co-curated by Katharina Swoboda and Emil Mirazchiev.
Operaismo Naturale revolves around what kind of aesthetic practices can urge ecological thought through the multitude of artist practices and art works on display in a multivalent project. If there is some wonder what concept of ecology to embrace, the project embraces particularly the resonances among so many concepts, some of them contradictory, but welcome as ‘Ecologies of Nothingness’ and its voiding love in troubled times, ‘Ecology without nature’ or ‘Dark ecology.’ The project encourages the viewers to explore the potentiality of this “dark precursor” that opens up a new passage of ecological thinking. How do these eco-logical sensibilia of what are doubles of thought relate to the issue of brain creativity that can be grasped as leaving room for more creative tracings? What kind of ecology can happen in the dark room, and how does ecological awareness actually start with the little glimmering in the dark depths of vast nature? This is the ecology of a black box and its lighting system of immediate and infinite reversible movements of lightning flashes. A Furling Machine that creates new ways of seeing and hearing, new ways of feeling, a logological cabinet (by extension curious) that ‘exhibits’ a will to form and affect plasticity.
Operaismo Naturale: Ecology of the Event takes inspiration from the desire by Deleuze & Guattari to write a philosophy of nature in which any distinction between nature and artifice becomes blurred. The ultimate volume of Philosophy of Nature remains an unwritten project in the body of their collective work, in the channels of their non-linear micro-logic of philosophical ideas. It leaves an unoccupied space for us to speculate, to fabulate, to experiment what and how such a philosophy could be that is inevitably a matter of aesthetics and ethics. The unwritten Philosophy of Nature is a project of naturalist materialism in science-fiction that remains an open work, a threshold for ‘heretic’ ideas in the blurred zone between nature and artifice, or what Michel Foucault called points of heresies, which correspond to Deleuze and Guattari’s “Event-centered singularities” and resonances between them that make up the diagrammatic feature of the plane. Their physical magnitude can unexpectedly take us off in a new direction, where there is no longer a need for speculative unity between nature and spirit or between nature and technology, but rather ecologic modulations of micro brains’ plasticity. The plastic forces operate between the organic and inorganic, between human and non-human. Their plastic method is not so much a transformation of one into the other than the passing of one into the other to anticipate the future of social and politico-aesthetic change.
Image credit: Ursula Biemann, Subatlantic, 2015. Video still.
22 November 2014, 15h00 at Gasthaus zum Bären, Bärengasse 22, 8001 Zürich.
I never get what I want (To the proliferation of letters and a personal disbanding towards the repetitiveness of symptoms) – a public intervention by Daniel Marti
“I never get what I want” is an intervention by Daniel Marti concerned with the Museum Bärengasse’s public urban space, in dialog with Dimitrina Sevova and her exhibition proposal for “Unsettling the Setting. Playing, Plying, Squatting // Operating, Owning, Occupying – or rather?” The intervention ends in a performative discussion between Daniel (the artist), Dimitrina (the invited and inviting curator), and the audience. “I never get what I want” is part of the curatorial proposal by Dimitrina Sevova,
* uncanny: corresponds to German “unheimlich” (literally: unhomely), an estrangement of “heimlich” (literally: homely), meaning clandestine, secretive, furtive. Theorized by Ernst Jentsch (1906) and later by Sigmund Freud (1919), with reference to E.T.A. Hoffmann’s The Sandman, and later re-read by Hélène Cixous.
The intervention will start at 15:00h in front of Gasthaus zum Bären, follow Bärengasse and Talackerstrasse to Paradeplatz, and from there, via Bleicherweg reach Schanzengrabenpromenade. If the weather is good, it will continue on to the park of Völkerkundemuseum, and return to Bärengasse along Basteiplatz. The bad-weather route would return to Gasthaus zum Bären straight from where Schanzengrabenpromenade and Bärengasse cross.
The 5th edition of Sinopale – International Sinop Biennial will take place in Sinop, Turkey, from 12 July to 31 August 2014.
Clusters and Crystals: Observing at Point Zero
Artists participating in the Exhibition “Clusters and Crystals: Observing at Point Zero”: Nezaket Ekici, Ona B., Yann Pocreau, Olivier Hölzl, Evrim Kavcar, Serkan Taycan, m-a-u-s-e-r (Aslı Serbest & Mona Mahall), Miriam Hamann, Johanna Reiner – Johannes Hoffman, Yasemin Özcan, Aylin Tekiner, Eşref Yıldırım, Pınar Öğrenci, RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co), Franziska Koch, Daniel Marti, Esther Kempf, Teresa Henriques, Benjamin Egger, Konstantinos Manolakis, Garrett Nelson, Romy Rüegger, Yapı-Sanat Kooperatifi, Markus Hanakam – Roswitha Schuller, Tim Zulauf, Silvina der Meguerditchian.
Artists participating in Sinopale Performance: Annie Vigier, Franck Apertet (Les gens d’uterpans), Jasmyn Fyffe, Burçak Konukman, Hülya Karakaş, Dilek Çipli-Esra Kayıkçı, Renan Koen, Çiğdem Borucu Erdoğan, Lerna Babikyan, Evie Demetriou.
Artists participating in the Exhibition “An Ideal Laboratoire: Village Institutes”: Ferit Yazıcı, Berrin Yapar Ünal, Semra Güler, Çağın Kaya, Aygün Kırca, Damla Yücebaş, Ayşe Balyemez & Ayşe Kurşuncu, Fulya Asyalı.
Sinopale 5 is curated by T. Melih Görgün, Dimitrina Sevova, Emre Zeytinoğlu, Aslı Çetinkaya and Işın Önol.
Opening of the exhibition: 19 July 2014, 7 pm, with opening party at 11 pm
The curatorial concept is available also in Turkish on the Sinopale website.
International Public Symposium, 14/15/16 November 2013, around the notion of play, its processual (diagrammatic) and political and aesthetic potential in times of cognitive capitalism and its mechanisms of control over life and the urban environment.
ZHdK, Pfingstweidstrasse 6, 3rd floor, 8005 Zürich
The Diagrammatic Practice of the Micropolitical – the Spatio‐temporal Expression of Play between Power, Knowledge and the Aesthetics of Existence
SPEAKERS: Paolo Caffoni, Giusy Checola, Binna Choi, discoteca flaming star
(Cristina Gómez Barrio & Wolfgang Mayer), David Dibosa, Anja Kanngieser, Maurizio Lazzarato, Isabell Lorey, m-a-u-s-e-r (Mona Mahall & Aslı Serbest), Carmen Mörsch, Daniel Morgenthaler, Roberto Nigro, Susanna Perin (S.M.U.R.), Gerald Raunig, Adrian Rifkin, Kerstin Schroedinger, Marco Scotini, Diego Segatto, Joshua Simon, Kuba Szreder, Axel Wieder, Espace Temporaire (Magdalena Ybarguen).
RESPONDENTS: Jens Badura, Christoph Brunner, Karmen Franinović, Roberto Nigro,
Romy Rüegger, Dimitrina Sevova.
PERFORMANCES: Chiara Fumai, T. Melih Görgün, Michael Hiltbrunner, Franziska Koch,
David Maroto.
SCREENINGS: Marcelo Expósito, Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson,
RELAX (chiarenza & hauser & co).
MICROPOLITICAL WORKSHOP: Wiktoria Furrer & Sebastian Dieterich in cooperation with Elke Bippus.
Curated by Dimitrina Sevova and Christoph Brunner in cooperation with the Bachelor Media & Art, specialization Fine Arts of the Zurich University of the Arts, Elke Bippus, Franziska Koch.
A cooperation with Z+ ‹ ›.
In conjunction with the a-disciplinary project consisting of a platform of irregular non-serial events, screenings, public readings, performances, talks, urban interventions and other ephemera, on the theme of Opportunities for Outdoor Play? Playgrounds – New Spaces of Liberty (The Question of Form) ‹ ›, curated by Dimitrina Sevova at Kunsthof Zürich between March and October 2013 in cooperation with Elke Bippus, Franziska Koch and the Bachelor Media & Art, specialization Fine Arts of the Zurich University of the Arts.
For further information please see ‹ › or ‹ ›.
In printable layout as PDF: program (PDF 456 KB), abstracts and bios (PDF 3.03 MB), curatorial text (PDF 37 KB), and also a brochure (PDF 2.62 MB) we published, gathering all the information about the symposium and featuring the text of Maurizio Lazzarato's lecture.
Kunsthof in cooperation with INTERCUT and Praktiken der künstlerischen Intervention at Main Auditorium on 31 October 2013, 18:30
ZHdK Main Auditorium, Ausstellungsstrasse 60, 8005 Zürich
Carlos Motta: The Practice of Reading Undocumented Histories – Artist Talk & Screening
During his artist talk at the Main Auditorium of ZHdK, hosted by Kunsthof in cooperation with INTERCUT and «Praktiken der künstlerischen Intervention», Motta will present a selection of works from the past decade to discuss his interest in self-representation as a tool of personal and collective social empowerment, in conversation with the public, moderated by Prof. Carmen Mörsch.
Seventh event of Opportunities for Outdoor Play? Playgrounds – New Spaces of Liberty (The Question of Form). A transdisciplinary research and production project curated by Dimitrina Sevova at Kunsthof Zürich in cooperation with Prof. Elke Bippus, Franziska Koch and the Bachelor Medien & Kunst, Vertiefung Bildende Kunst of the Zurich University of the Arts.
Announcement as PDF (803 KB).
Project blog:
Kunsthof Public Access Transmitter Terminal on 14 September 2013: Towards micro and minor forms of radio, picknick, Internet and an outdoor
re-enactment of a ballet choreography for life
2013-09-14, 17:00:
Benjamin Egger, Ralf Homann, Rayelle Niemann, Anne Käthi Wehrli & Bettina Stehli
Sixth event of Opportunities for Outdoor Play? Playgrounds – New Spaces of Liberty (The Question of Form). A transdisciplinary research and production project curated by Dimitrina Sevova at Kunsthof Zürich in cooperation with Prof. Elke Bippus, Franziska Koch and the Bachelor Medien & Kunst, Vertiefung Bildende Kunst of the Zurich University of the Arts.
Announcement as PDF (620 KB). Flyer as PDF (492 KB). Curatorial text as PDF (232 KB).
Project blog:
İstanbul: IPA Plaform for Young Performance Artists Istanbul 2013 Program: NEXT STEPS
2013-08-22 - 2013-08-24:
Venues: Mixer Arts, İstanbul Modern, Karaköy Parkı, Salt Galata, Sanatorium
Paul Striegel, David Scheffler & Yasmin Schaffler, Mayte Kappel , Çiğdem Üçüncü, Rob Sweere, David Maroto, Riikka Tauriainen, Romy Rüegger, Anne Glassner & Elsa Ledaux, Nilüfar Rezai, Mayte Kappel & Sara Cou & Çiğdem Üçüncü & Nilüfer Rezai, Monali Meher, Jürgen Fritz, Ieke Trinks, Burçak Konukman, Verena Stenke & Andrea Pagnes VestAndPage, Robotik Hayaller, Sibel Kocakaya, Lorenz Hegi, Sarah Bernauer & Garrett Nelson, Jasmin Schaitl, Margo Van de Linde, Dimitrina Sevova, Benjamin Egger, Ümit Ilgın Yiğit, Marieke Warmelink
At the invitation of IPA, Dimitrina Sevova curated a program of performances as part of the Platform.
Kunsthof Casino – Playschool Kunsthof and the aesthetic paradigm traversing them, on 19/20 July 2013
Kunsthof Casino on 2013-07-19, 17:00, and Playschool Kunsthof, on 2013-07-20, 20:00
19 July, Kunsthof Casino: Zoë Darling, Franziska Koch with Jacky Poloni, Lisa Schiess, and Black Milk
20 July, Playschool Kunsthof: Fokus Grupa (Iva Kovač and Elvis Krstulović), Kika Nicolela, Francesco Ragazzi & Francesco Urbano, Romy Rüegger
The two events at Kunsthof on 19 and 20 July, Kunsthof Casino and Kunsthof Playschool, are a double homage to Michel Foucault and Jorge Luis Borges. To Michel Foucault’s The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the College de France (1978-79) on the liberal art of government and modern governmental technology in which Foucault focuses on two forms of neo-liberalism: German post-War liberalism and the liberalism of the Chicago School. And to Jorge Luis Borges’ short story The Lottery in Babylon (1941), in which with the power of fictional ambiguity he tells the story of the Game of chance as the Game of life with its one bio-natural law determining the cosmos.
Fourth and fifth event of Opportunities for Outdoor Play? Playgrounds – New Spaces of Liberty (The Question of Form). A transdisciplinary collective research and production project curated by Dimitrina Sevova at Kunsthof Zürich in cooperation with Prof. Elke Bippus, Franziska Koch and the Bachelor Medien & Kunst, Vertiefung Bildende Kunst of the Zurich University of the Arts.
Announcement as PDF: Kunsthof Casino (952 KB) and Playschool Kunsthof (1096 KB).
Curatorial text as PDF (261 KB).
Project blog:
Kunsthof Station on 6 July 2013: The Difference That Makes a Difference –
the Pattern that Connects //
Psychogeography: From Urbanism to Everyday Places
2013-07-06, 17:00:
Location: Kunsthof, Limmatstrasse 44, 8005 Zürich, and Districts 5 and 4 of Zurich. Meeting point: Langstrasse underpass on the side of District 4, West side of the street. Ends in: DJ set by Dott
Amélie Brisson-Darveau, Mortimer Chen, Zoë Darling, Benjamin Egger, Petra Elena Köhle, Sandra Lang, Konstantinos Manolakis, Cat Tuong Nguyen, Kika Nicolela, Jacqueline Poloni, Romy Rüegger, Riikka Tauriainen, Navid Tschopp, Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin. Coordination: Dimitrina Sevova
DJ Set by Dott at Kunsthof after 22:30
The event is composed of urban interventions, drifting walks, strolls and performative situations and other means of cacophonic molecular machinic becoming, affected by dramatizing and diagrammatizing practices of the political forms of coordination mapping singularities. The event is oriented towards the politics of location and micropolitical locomotion as an a-signifying process animating the vital multiplicity of organization of ethico-aesthetic living forms.
Third event of Opportunities for Outdoor Play? Playgrounds – New Spaces of Liberty (The Question of Form). A transdisciplinary collective research and production project curated by Dimitrina Sevova at Kunsthof Zürich in cooperation with Prof. Elke Bippus, Franziska Koch and the Bachelor Medien & Kunst, Vertiefung Bildende Kunst of the Zurich University of the Arts.
Announcement as PDF (590 KB). Curatorial text as PDF (597 KB).
Project blog:
See also the documentation of the event.
Forum Kunsthof on 7 June 2013: Showing or Snowing Art in June?
on Art, Value, Price, Work and the Market //
Art vs. Market / Market games and the play of commons / Art vs. Multitude
2013-06-07, 13:30:
Public disputatio or polemic discussion with the participation of: Christoph Brunner, Daniel Morgenthaler, Garrett Nelson, Aoife Rosenmeyer, Aria Spinelli, and Stefan Wagner, moderated by Dimitrina Sevova (in English)
Performances by Burçak Konukman, Garrett Nelson & Sarah Bernauer, and P.F.T. (Peter Emch, Franziska Koch, Tobias Oehmichen). And open-air screening by Hila Peleg.
Second event of Opportunities for Outdoor Play? Playgrounds – New Spaces of Liberty (The Question of Form). A transdisciplinary collective research and production project curated by Dimitrina Sevova at Kunsthof Zürich in cooperation with Prof. Elke Bippus, Franziska Koch and the Bachelor Medien & Kunst, Vertiefung Bildende Kunst of the Zurich University of the Arts.
Announcement as PDF (590 KB). Curatorial text as PDF (597 KB).
Project blog:
See also the documentation of the event.
1 May at Kunsthof Zürich: First event of Opportunities for Outdoor Play? Playgrounds – New Spaces of Liberty (The Question of Form)
2013-05-01, 18:30: With three reading-performances, a lecture-performance and a screening by:
Benjamin Egger, Harun Farocki, Petra Elena Köhle & Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin (with Sam Porrit), Rudi Maier, Riikka Tauriainen
First event of Opportunities for Outdoor Play? Playgrounds – New Spaces of Liberty (The Question of Form). A transdisciplinary collective research and production project curated by Dimitrina Sevova at Kunsthof Zürich in cooperation with Prof. Elke Bippus, Franziska Koch and the Bachelor Medien & Kunst, Vertiefung Bildende Kunst of the Zurich University of the Arts.
Announcement with curatorial text available as PDF (644 KB).
See also the documentation of the event.
Exhibition: Creative Assemblages – When aesthetics meet the economy or what do they have in Common?
2013-02-05 - 2013-04-05: International group exhibition at Siemens Sanat, İstanbul, curated by Dimitrina Sevova, co-curated by Mürteza Fidan and Melih T. Görgün.
With the participation of Benjamin Egger, Petra Elena Köhle & Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin, Ferhat Özgür, Elodie Pong, Roee Rosen, Riikka Tauriainen, Borjana Ventzislavova. Performances by Riikka Tauriainen, and Petra Elena Köhle & Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin.
Opening: Tuesday, 2013-02-05, 19h00.
Performances: Wednesday, 2013-02-06, starting 18h30.
Curatorial text available as PDF (187KB).
Media-Scape Zagreb 2012 (Biennal for Time Based Art): Tactical Topics - Topical Tactics
2012-09-30 - 2012-10-19: Exhibition at the HDLU (Croatian Association of Artists), Dom hrvatskih likovnih umjetnika, Trg žrtava fašizma bb, Zagreb, with a series of performances and lectures, co-curated by Ingeborg Fülepp, Sibylle Hoessler, Iva Kovač, Işın Önol and Dimitrina Sevova in Zagreb, Croatia.
With Pablo Alonso and Ignacio Uriarte from Spain, Barbara Caveng from Switzerland, Cécile Colle}{Ralf Nuhn from France, Ana Elizabet, Igor Eškinja and Duje Jurić from Croatia, Andreas .muk. Haider and Mia Zabelka from Austria, Paul Magee from the UK, Martina Menegon and Stefano D’Alessio from Italy, Rivka Rinn from Israel and Germany, Heiko Daxl, Sibylle Hoessler, Peter Kees, Ilse Ruppert, Michael Saup from Germany, Riikka Tauriainen from Finland and Switzerland, Branka Uzur from Australia and Croatia.
Opening: Saturday, 2012-09-29, 20h00.
Sinopale 4 (Sinop Biennale): Wisdom of Shadow: Art in the Era of Corrupted Information
2012-08-01 - 2012-09-12: The main exhibition of the Sinopale 4, with a series of performances and events, co-curated by Aslı Çetinkaya, Elke Falat, Işın Önol and Dimitrina Sevova in Sinop, Turkey (with additional curatorial contributions by Beral Madra, Sean Kelly and Janet Kaplan).
With Alpin Arda Bağcık, Francesco Bertele, Brigitta Bödenauer, Amélie Brisson-Darveau, Evelina Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand, Quynh Dong, Monika Drożyńska, Köken Ergun, Harun Farocki, Karen Geyer, Shilpa Ghupta, Andreas (muk) Haider, Minna Hint, Berglind Hlynsdottir, Ashley Hunt, İnsel İnal, Volkan Kaplan & A. Erdem Şentürk, Petra Elena Köhle & Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin, Eléonore de Montesquiou, Cat Tuong Nguyen, Chris Oakly, Bernd Oppl, Monika Rechsteiner, Reinigungsgesellschaft, David Rych, Sümer Sayın, Liddy Scheffknecht, Lina Selander, Özlem Sulak, Riikka Tauriainen, Hande Varsat, Stefanie Wuschitz, Associazione E (Francesco Ragazzi & Francesco Urbano).
Opening: Friday, 2012-08-24, 19h00. Artistic production process, including public performances, lectures and screenings, ongoing since 1 August.
Exhibition: In Growing up Amid the Historical Mysteries of Proximity: Pros & Cons of Being Neighbours
2012-06-16 - 2012-07-21: A group exhibition with live events co-curated with Işın Önol at ITS-Z1, Belgrade. With Ana Hoffner, Apartment Project (participants of the Reciprocal Visit and Re-Locate Projects), Assaf Gruber, Dragan Ilić, Ha za vu zu (Güneş Terkol, Güçlü Öztekin, Özgür Erkök), Petra Elena Koehle & Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin, Lia Lapithi, Bernd Oppl, Riikka Tauriainen.
Opening: Saturday, 2012-06-16, 16h00.
Public Theoretical Symposium: Reality Manifestos - Can Dialectics Break Bricks? / A study of détournement as Art Forms
2012-01-19 - 2012-01-20: A two-day theoretical symposium organized in conjunction with the exhibition of the same name to contextualize the exhibition and the artists' works and raise a public critical discussion among scholars, the artists and a broad audience. With lectures by Mareike Bernien & Kerstin Schroedinger, The Centre of Attention, Brice Dellsperger, Eva Egermann, Maren Grimm, Esther Kempf, Lucie Kolb, Elke Krasny, Boyan Manchev, Işın Önol, Bernd Oppl, Małgorzata Radkiewicz, Dorothee Richter, Nicola Ruffo, Simone Schardt & Wolf Schmelter, Dimitrina Sevova. Curated by Dimitrina Sevova. Organized by Kunsthalle Exnergasse at Museum Halls, WUK, Währinger Straße 59, 1090 Wien.
Exhibition: Reality Manifestos - Can Dialectics Break Bricks? / A study of détournement as Art Forms
2012-01-19 - 2012-03-03: A group exhibition with Marc Bauer, Sabina Baumann, Mareike Bernien & Kerstin Schroedinger, Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Bogna Burska, Brice Dellsperger, Konstantinos Manolakis, Michele O’Marah, Cora Piantoni, Elodie Pong, “Schmale, Scheirl, Knebl Werke” (Toni Schmale, Hans Scheirl & Jakob Lena Knebl), Rebecca Ann Tess. Curated by Dimitrina Sevova. At Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Währinger Straße 59, 2nd Staircase, 1st Floor, 1090 Wien.
Opening: Wednesday, 2012-01-18, 19h00, with a performance by The Centre of Attention, and a sound performance and DJ set by DJ Sweatproducer (Anne Käthi Wehrli).
Finissage: Saturday, 2012-03-03, 19h00, with a public interview by Hans Scheirl.
|>> Curatorial Input
Invisible City - Technologies of the Body
2012-01-08 - 2012-02-05: An exhibition project as a result of a long-term research and collaboration between the artists Amélie Brisson-Darveau, Gisèle Schindler, Riikka Tauriainen, and the curators Işın Önol and Dimitrina Sevova. At Wäscherei Kunstverein Zürich, Dienerstrasse 70, 8004 Zürich.
Opening: Sunday, 2012-01-07, 19h00, with a reading of Antonin Artaud and Italo Calvino.
One Thousand Endless Tales – Dancing the Line of Flight (Story Telling)
2010-10-01 - 2010-11-21: A group thematic show in two chapters curated by Dimitrina Sevova, which takes a look at various forms of reflection on aesthetic possibilities and political implications of individual stories of ordinary people in relation to society at large. At White Space | Raum für aktuelle Kunst, Militärstrasse 76 (backyard, entrance via Kanonengasse), 8004 Zürich.
Opening of First Chapter: Friday, 2010-10-01, 19h00.
Opening of Second Chapter: Friday, 2010-10-29, 19h00.
2010-04-09 - 2010-04-25: A group show investigating the ethical-aesthetic-political aspects of human-animal relations, curated by Dimitrina Sevova at Perla-Mode, in conjunction with a mirror exhibition at Dienstgebäude, Ich Mensch! (Du Tier), curated by Isabel Reiss and Cathérine Hug, and a common series of special events.
Opening: Friday, 2010-04-09, 19h00.
Queerscapes – The Flow of Dunes and the Green Shimmer of the Oasis on the Horizon
2009-06-05 - 2009-06-07: The exhibition and art event of the Offpride – the alternative queer festival, Zurich, organized by Dimitrina Sevova, will take place at Cabaret Voltaire and Perla Mode on Fri / Sat / Sun, 5 / 6 / 7 June.
A three-day group show with screenings, lectures, performances, kindly hosted by Cabaret Voltaire/Dadahaus (Spiegelgasse 1) and Perla Mode (Langstrasse 84 /Brauerstrasse 37). Do-it-yourself from archives to everyday life art practices, providing a dense web of insights, approaches, positions, views, perspectives. And a movie program, live performances, talks, discussions, streamings.
Idea and co-ordination: Dimitrina Sevova, with the active support and inspiration of Anna Frei, Anne Käthi Wehrli and Lucie Kolb and the entire offpride queer festival organizing working group and queer scene
Documents in English: Invitation card, program, statement, portfolio
Dokumente auf Deutsch: Einladungskarte, Programm, Statement, Portfolio
Kunsthalle Winterthur: "Aggression"
2007-10-20 - 2007-12-04: Dimitrina Sevova is co-curating with Oliver Kielmayer the international group show "Aggression" at Kunsthalle Winterthur.
Dimitrina Sevova is also curating an exclusive program of lectures, screenings and discussions around the topic of "Aggression".
See also the Aggression newspaper (PDF, 449 KB).
"Fake", aka "Critique of Pure Image
- Between Fake and Quotation"
2005-10-07: Opening of the project "Critique of Pure Image - Between Fake and Quotation" at the Center of Contemporary Art "Ancient Baths", Plovdiv. International exhibition (until 2005-11-08), three-day theoretical symposium with strong international participation (2005-10-08 till 2005-10-10).
Video Works
75 min
Dimitrina Sevova's project "Unbeschreiblich weiblich" was commissioned for and premiered in the context of an installation with photographs from the artist's personal archive, objects and text, in the "Lost & Found" show at Shedhalle, Zürich, curated by Alice Cantaluppi, Isabel Reiss, Anna Voswinckel. "Unbeschreiblich weiblich" is dedicated to the reflection on how women and other characters in the alternative local scene in Sofia, Bulgaria, deal with pop culture.
luncheon on the grass – postproduction by code flow
Premiered in August 2006 at the second edition of Digitaler Dachstock, the digital and media art attic at Haus für Kunst Uri in Altdorf in central Switzerland, curated by Martina Weber.
Photographic Works
All Power Is Theater! Female Masculinity
Dimitrina Sevova's series of three photographic self-portraits as a drag king, "All Power Is Theater! Female Masculinity", produced initially for the All About Him Campaign (A-A-H!), and short-listed to participate in the exhibition 2008-06-09 - 2008-06-30 in front of the Ivan Vazov Theater in Sofia, Bulgaria. Ten of the works in the exhibition will then be selected to be realized as billboards in the streets of Sofia later in the year.
Books and Publications
Communication Front Book, Crossing Points East-West
Lectures, presentations, screenings
Lecture: Shadow and solar individual – multiple subjectivities, and the question of visibility in the movies of Maya Deren, Eleonor Antin, Yvonne Rainer and Kara Walker
2012-08-23, 16h45: With excerpts from films by Maya Deren, Eleonor Antin, Yvonne Rainer and Kara Walker.
In the context of Sinopale 4 (Sinop Biennale), co-curated by Işın Önol, Aslı Çetinkaya, Elke Falat and Dimitrina Sevova in Sinop, Turkey under the title Wisdom of Shadow: Art in the Era of Corrupted Information (with additional curatorial contributions by Beral Madra, Sean Kelly and Janet Kaplan).
Screening: Production and Subversion of Subjectivity: Questions of Authenticity, Authority and Multiplicity
2012-08-19, 21h30: With films by Elodie Pong, Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Mareike Bernien & Kerstin Schroedinger, Rebecca Ann Tess, Ana Hoffner, Brice Dellsperger.
In the context of Sinopale 4 (Sinop Biennale), co-curated by Işın Önol, Aslı Çetinkaya, Elke Falat and Dimitrina Sevova in Sinop, Turkey under the title Wisdom of Shadow: Art in the Era of Corrupted Information (with additional curatorial contributions by Beral Madra, Sean Kelly and Janet Kaplan).
Lessons from dogs – a walk through the city with Jacques Tati
2011-10-11, 20h00: Each One, Teach One / Theory Tuesdays 2-Year Anniversary Special / Film Night organized by Philip Matesic, selected and presented by Dimitrina Sevova. At Corner College, Kochstrasse 1, 8004 Zurich.
With an introductory presentation, and excerpts from different Tati films, and the documentary The Magnificent Tati by Michael House (2009).
Find here the introductory text by Dimitrina Sevova (PDF, 100 KB).
2011-02-08, 20h00: Theory Tuesday organized by Philip Matesic, selected and presented by Dimitrina Sevova. At Corner College (Perla-Mode), Langstrasse 84 / Brauerstrasse 37, 8004 Zürich.
With an introductory presentation, and excerpts from different Soviet Avant-Garde films, and specifically Dziga Vertov - Chelovek S Kinoapparatom AKA Man With A Movie Camera [Alloy Orchestra Score] (1929).
art + argument at Claudia Groeflin Galerie
2010-12-09, 19h30: at Claudia Groeflin Galerie, Dienerstrasse 12, 8004 Zurich
art + argument organized by Aoife Rosenmeyer:
(When it comes to art,) we are still painting on the walls of caves.
With Giovanni Carmine, Fabian Chiquet, Morgan Falconer and Dimitrina Sevova
2010-12-07, 20h00: at Corner College (Perla-Mode), Langstrasse 84 / Brauerstrasse 37, 8004 Zürich
Theory Tuesday organized by Philip Matesic, selected and presented by Dimitrina Sevova
With an introductory presentation, excerpts from different Surrealist films, and a program of short films.
See also our chronology