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20 October - 2 December 2007
at Kunsthalle Winterthur, Winterthur
Accompanying program of lectures, screenings and discussions specially curated by Dimitrina Sevova
Participants in the program of accompanying events of Aggression: Marina Gržinić (artist and theorist, Ljubljana), Alexis Hunter (artist, London), Rolando Colla and Elena Pedrazzoli (Peacock Film, Zürich), bankleer (Karin Kasböck und Christoph Leitner, Berlin), Maude Swift (filmmaker and philosopher, London); in addition, films by the following authors will be screened: Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid, Davide Tosco, Rolando Colla, Olivier Meyrou, bankleer, Maude Swift, Hans Scheirl.
Alexis Hunter
The Model's Revenge I, 1974.
Courtesy of the artist
The program of accompanying events for the group show “Aggression” aims at opening a space in the context of the topic of the exhibition and broadening the context for a public debate. It is intended to provide thought-provoking impulses around the startling phenomenon and provocative topic of “Aggression” and its social and cultural significance. It should shed light on the political, artistic and aesthetic aspects of the topic in relation to its visual interpretations, to phenomena such as migration, pornography, the labeling of certain groups as gangsters and terrorists, to what Marcuse called the incessant aggressive surrounding of contemporary opulent society in which there is a yawning gap between established models of existence and the real possibilities of human freedom. The society’s repressive tolerance leads to stress, tension and inequality which find their expression in local conflicts. Via the pressure to conform and be normal, a historically entirely new and institutionalized access to their subconscious, people are drilled to become functioning consumers: “normal” body, “normal” family, “normal” profession, “normal” love. If then the history of humanity may be seen as an accumulation of downright destructive power, cruelty and aggression, the question arises as to what opportunities are available to the contemporary social subject or to society as a whole to deal with this aggression, to “tame” this phenomenon that people are faced with in the hostile environment of a globalized, highly technologized world in which we are suffering day by day the shock treatment of daily news, in which the fears of the end, of catastrophes and the forces of nature are ubiquitous.
Program Overview
The events take place every Saturday while the show is on (Saturday, 27 October to Saturday, 24 November).
Saturday, 27 October, 16h (4 pm)
Lecture: Marina Gržinić (artist and theorist, Ljubljana), “Doppelgänger”: Performing History and Politics in Video Works by Marina Gržinić und Aina Šmid (in English language)
Screening and Discussion: Bilocation / Doppelgänger (short film, Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid, 1990, 12 min), Three Sisters (Gržinić / Šmid, 1992, 28 min), Labyrinth (Gržinić / Šmid, 1993, 12 min), Luna 10 (Gržinić / Šmid, 1994, 11 min), Postsocialism + Retro-Avantgarde + Irwin (Gržinić / Šmid, 1997, 22 min)
Saturday, 3 November, 16h (4 pm)
Screening and Discussion: Faces of Evil / Gesichter des Bösen (documentary movie, Davide Tosco, 2006, 54 min, in German language)
Saturday, 10 November, 16h (4 pm)
Lecture and Presentation of Her Work: Alexis Hunter (artist, London), Radical Feminism in the 1970s (Sexual Warfare – Romantic Love and Sexual Hatred) (in English language)
Ca. 17h, Screening: EINSPRUCH I-V (5 short films, Rolando Colla, 1999 / 2000 / 2002 / 2004 / 2007, 4 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 7 min, various languages, German titles), Jagdzeit / Hunting Season (Rolando Colla, 1994, 40 min)
Discussion with: Rolando Colla and Elena Pedrazzoli, Peacock Film, Zürich (in German language)
Saturday, 17 November, 16h (4 pm)
Screening and Discussion: Au-delà de la haine / Beyond Hatred (documentary movie, Olivier Meyrou, 2005, 86 min, in French language with English titles)
Saturday, 24 November, 16h (4 pm)
Zombie-Lecture: bankleer (Karin Kasböck und Christoph Leitner, Berlin) (in German language)
Screening and Discussion: reale reste (short film, bankleer, 2006, 24 min)
Ca. 17h30 (5:30 pm), Screening: Maldorora and a Little Girl (short film, Maude Swift, 2000, 16mm transferred to DVD, 9 min 30’', in Englischer language)
Lecture and Discussion: Maude Swift (filmmaker and philosopher, London), Maldorora, or Dipping into the Modern Psychosis (in English language)
Ca. 18 Uhr 30, Filmvorführung: Dandy Dust (British-Austrian 90s avant-garde film, Hans Scheirl, 1998, 16 mm transferred to VHS, 94 min, in English language)
The accompanying program of events is organized with the support of Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Zug, and the Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung, Zürich.