code flow - events
20 October - 2 December 2007
at Kunsthalle Winterthur, Winterthur
Accompanying program of lectures, screenings and discussions specially curated by Dimitrina Sevova
Program Details
Saturday, 24 November, 16h (4 pm)
Zombie-Lecture: bankleer (Karin Kasböck und Christoph Leitner, Berlin) (in German language)
Screening and Discussion: reale reste (short film, bankleer, 2006, 24 min)
Ca. 17h30 (5:30 pm), Screening: Maldorora and a Little Girl (short film, Maude Swift, 2000, 16mm transferred to DVD, 9 min 30’', in Englischer language)
Lecture and Discussion: Maude Swift (filmmaker and philosopher, London), Maldorora, or Dipping into the Modern Psychosis (in English language)
Ca. 18 Uhr 30, Screening: Dandy Dust (British-Austrian 90s avant-garde film, Hans Scheirl, 1998, 16 mm transferred to VHS, 94 min, in English language)
real remnants, 2006
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Saturday, 24 November, 16h (4 pm)
Zombie-Lecture: bankleer (Karin Kasböck und Christoph Leitner, Berlin; in German language)
In their video lecture bankleer will derive the notion of the zombie, show video excerpts from their works and make an attempt to interpret the boom of zombie films in relation to the ongoing deep identity crises and crises of the prevailing order. Subsequently we will screen their last zombie project in full length:
Screening and Discussion:
reale reste / real remnants
Directed by: bankleer
Video/Color/Sound (24 min.), Berlin 2006
A person on the flipside of neo-liberalism attempts to escape his surroundings and subsequently ends up in the realm of zombies, who in a Žižek-like manner find themselves in precisely the vacuum which corresponds with the present-day precarized and deregulated way of life. Following Giorgio Agamben’s theories on the state of emergency, the protagonists in bankleer’s video are in an unlegislated area, a zone of anomy, in which the relationship between privacy and the public sphere is dissolved, and all that remains is an inhumane intermediate stage of existence.
Maude Swift
Maldorora and a Little Girl, 2000
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Ca. 17h30 (5:30 pm), Screening: Maldorora and a Little Girl (short film, Maude Swift, 2000, 16mm transfered to DVD, 9 min 30’, in English language)
Maldorora and a Little Girl
Written and directed by Maude Swift
2000, 16 mm color, 9 min 30 s
Based on The Songs of Maldoror by Isidore Ducasse, The Count of Lautréamont, is this work of Surreal Misogyny and Blessed Imperium starring the Lunatic Luminary Lisa Hammer. If Mary Poppins possessed by Ayn Rand functioning under Extreme Psychosis, took a walk in Turn-of-the-Century Central Park and met a sweet little angelic girl, it would be a scene close to this short film from the Neurotic Bowels of Miss Swift.
Lecture and Discussion: Maude Swift (film maker and philosopher, London), Maldorora, or Dipping into the Modern Psychosis
Maude Swift will take Isidore Ducasse, Count of Lautréamont’s The Songs of Maldoror as a starting point for a closer look at today’s psychoses.
Hans Scheirl
Dandy Dust, 1998
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Ca. 18h30 (6:30 pm), Screening:
Dandy Dust
(94’, 16mm, übertragen auf VHS, 1998), GB/A
Directed, written and edited by: Hans Scheirl
Cinematography: Jana Cipriani
Music: Yossarian, Emma EJ Doubell, Bent
with: Hans Scheirl, Suzie Krueger, Leonora Rogers-Wright, Tre Temperelli, Svar Simpson, Angela de Castro
Dandy Dust is a science fiction horror movie in which a hermaphrodite cyborg goes on a crusade against his monstrous family.
A split-personality cyborg of fluid gender is zooming through time in order to collect his/her/their "selves" in a struggle against a family obsessed with the family tree. On this science fiction trip through time, space and genders, said cyborg named Dust comes across the entire "dear family": the dubious twins whose secret is revealed only at the very end, the dusty mummy, the utterly noble Sir Sidore and especially "Supermother Cyniborg" who seems to be reigning over entire universes and especially over new gene technologies with her power-obsessed dictatorial affectation. The search for the self develops into a horror trip, passing comix landscapes and science fiction effects. Dust passes all tests and defies all dangers, only to find out in the end that a found identity is not the be-all and end-all either.
“I have lived forty years as a woman, I might as well live the rest of my life as a man.”
The accompanying program of events is organized with the support of Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Zug, and the Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung, Zürich.