code flow - events
20 October - 2 December 2007
at Kunsthalle Winterthur, Winterthur
Accompanying program of lectures, screenings and discussions specially curated by Dimitrina Sevova
Program Details
Saturday, 27 October, 16h (4 pm)
Lecture: Marina Gržinić (artist and theorist, Ljubljana), “Doppelgänger”: Performing History and Politics in Video Works by Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid (in English language)
Screening and Discussion: Bilocation / Doppelgänger (short film, Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid, 1990, 12 min), Three Sisters (Gržinić / Šmid, 1992, 28 min), Labyrinth (Gržinić / Šmid, 1993, 12 min), Luna 10 (Gržinić / Šmid, 1994, 11 min), Postsocialism + Retro-Avantgarde + Irwin (Gržinić / Šmid, 1997, 22 min)
Marina Gržinić und Aina Šmid
Labyrinth, video still
Saturday, 27 October, 16h (4 pm)
Lecture: Marina Gržinić, “Doppelgänger”: Performing history and politics in videoworks by Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid
In the lecture with screenings Marina Gržinić will talk about experimental video works by Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid, from Ljubljana, Slovenia that work in the medium of video and with video from 1982. In 25 years of their collaborative practice history, politics and theory are the main content of their video works. As it was written by Joanne Nucho: »History is too important, too wholly overwhelming to ignore in a region where the fall of the Berlin Wall marked the beginning of fresh anarchy and bloodshed. There is less ambiguity here, more of a consensus in preoccupation with the representation of historical events, and not just the desire to take part in them, but to change them, to exert the body and the will on a chaotic world.«
Marina Gržinić und Aina Šmid
Labyrinth, video still
Screening and Discussion: Bilocation / Doppelgänger (short film, Marina Gržinić and Aina Šmid, 1990, 12 min), Three Sisters (Gržinić / Šmid, 1992, 28 min), Labyrinth (Gržinić / Šmid, 1993, 12 min), Luna 10 (Gržinić / Šmid, 1994, 11 min), Postsocialism + Retro-Avantgarde + Irwin (Gržinić / Šmid, 1997, 22 min)
The works of Gržinić/Šmid are characterized by an eclectic, discursive, distanced approach to filmmaking free of fascination and empathy. Quotations overlap in a complex, many-layered, and multiply subdivided conceptual and visual framework. Stylistic effects collide, references to narrative cinema d’auteur join with references to poetic or theoretical texts (Chekhov, Duras, Barthes, Žižek, Weibel, Gržinić) and with references to mass media – B-movies, TV, commercials, news. Out of all this material, mixed with disnarrative polysemy and an astonishing lack of inhibition, strange “fictions” are reconstructed – fragmentary fictions that are constantly interrupted. Phantasmatic and critical situations are devised around political figures (Mao Zedong and his wife), groups of artists (IRWIN, New Slovenian Art), and cultural artifacts. The pictures – stereotypes, masquerades, reminiscences – deploy fiction as a mask that is forever being removed, being put back in place, and changing its form. (from: Kontakt. The Art Collection of Erste Bank Group)
The accompanying program of events is organized with the support of Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Zug, and the Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung, Zürich.