code flow - events
20 October - 2 December 2007
at Kunsthalle Winterthur, Winterthur
Accompanying program of lectures, screenings and discussions specially curated by Dimitrina Sevova
Program Details
Saturday, 17 November, 16h (4 pm)
Screening and Discussion: Au-delà de la haine / Beyond Hatred (documentary movie, Olivier Meyrou, 2005, 86 min, in French language with English titles)
Olivier Meyrou
Beyond Hatred, production still
Saturday, 17 November, 16h (4 pm)
Screening and Discussion:
Au-delà de la haine (Beyond Hatred)
Director: Olivier Meyrou
France 2005, 35mm, Farbe, 86 min, French with English titles
Teddy Award: Best Documentary – Berlin International Film Festival 2006
In a September night in 2002, three skinheads are wandering through a park in Reims. They are actually looking for an Arab to punch. But they bump into a homosexual and attack him. The 29-year-old François Chenu defends himself and calls his attackers cowards. They beat him up. Badly injured, he drowns in a nearby pond. His murderers are soon arrested.
Every member of the family needs to come to terms with the pain of losing François, each in their own way. Marie-Cécile, who takes care of patients in a hospital, could not bear the thought that her son had died alone. Jean-Paul, a special pedagogue, found out at some point that the having lost his oldest son brought him into danger to lose his belief in human values, along with his courage to face life. In a key moment of the film, Marie-Cécile says that it would be much easier for her to continue bearing the hatred and violence in herself. What is important for the Chenu family is not to give up, despite the pain, the socially engaged perspective to life they always had.
Olivier Meyrou
Beyond Hatred, production still
The accompanying program of events is organized with the support of Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Zug, and the Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung, Zürich.