ITS-Z1, Ritopek, Belgrade
16 June - 21 July 2012. Opening on 16 June, 18h. |
ITS-Z1: view of the building
ITS-Z1: view of the side of the building, and onto the Danube
ITS-Z1: view of the side of the building, and onto the Danube
ITS-Z1: view of the terrace in front of the building
Opening of In Growing up Amid the Historical Mysteries of Proximity: Pros & Cons of Being Neighbours at ITS-Z1.
Opening of In Growing up Amid the Historical Mysteries of Proximity: Pros & Cons of Being Neighbours at ITS-Z1.
Apartment Project, Re-Locate (2008-2011) and Reciprocal Visit (2009). Wall documentation, 2012.
Apartment Project, Re-Locate (2008-2011) and Reciprocal Visit (2009). Wall documentation, 2012.
Apartment Project, Re-Locate (2008-2011) and Reciprocal Visit (2009). Wall documentation, 2012.
Assaf Gruber, Binding. Video, 5:24 min, 2011.
Bernd Oppl, Hotel Room. Experimental film, 6 min, 2011. Assaf Gruber, Binding. Video, 5:24 min, 2011.
Bernd Oppl, Hotel Room. Experimental film, 6 min, 2011.
Bernd Oppl, Hotel Room. Experimental film, 6 min, 2011.
Ana Hoffner, Movement, privatized. Video performance, 2009.
Ana Hoffner, Movement, privatized. Video performance, 2009.
Ana Hoffner, Movement, privatized. Video performance, 2009.
Ana Hoffner, Movement, privatized. Video performance, 2009.
Riikka Tauriainen, A Manuscript containing Mistakes and Images (Ein Manuskript mit Fehlern und Bildern). Lecture/performance, 20-30 min, 2012.
Riikka Tauriainen, A Manuscript containing Mistakes and Images (Ein Manuskript mit Fehlern und Bildern). Lecture/performance, 20-30 min, 2012.
Riikka Tauriainen, A Manuscript containing Mistakes and Images (Ein Manuskript mit Fehlern und Bildern). Lecture/performance, 20-30 min, 2012.
Riikka Tauriainen, A Manuscript containing Mistakes and Images (Ein Manuskript mit Fehlern und Bildern). Lecture/performance, 20-30 min, 2012.
Lia Lapithi, The Grass is Greener on the Other Side. Multi channel video installation, interactive food art performance, fondue, 2-tone tablecloth, 2012.
Lia Lapithi, The Grass is Greener on the Other Side. Multi channel video installation, interactive food art performance, fondue, 2-tone tablecloth, 2012.
Lia Lapithi, The Grass is Greener on the Other Side. Multi channel video installation, interactive food art performance, fondue, 2-tone tablecloth, 2012.
Lia Lapithi, The Grass is Greener on the Other Side. Multi channel video installation (here the video projected), interactive food art performance, fondue, 2-tone tablecloth, 2012.
Dragan Ilić, RETRIBUTION. Installation, 2002-2012.
Dragan Ilić, RETRIBUTION. Installation, 2002-2012.
Petra Elena Köhle & Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin, There where I should have been yesterday. I am here today. (Dort wo ich gestern hätte sein sollen. Ich bin heute hier.). Performance, 2007-2012.
Petra Elena Köhle & Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin, There where I should have been yesterday. I am here today. (Dort wo ich gestern hätte sein sollen. Ich bin heute hier.). Performance, 2007-2012.
Petra Elena Köhle & Nicolas Vermot Petit-Outhenin, There where I should have been yesterday. I am here today. (Dort wo ich gestern hätte sein sollen. Ich bin heute hier.). Performance, 2007-2012.
Ha Za Vu Zu, Crying Tools. Performance, 2009-2012.
Ha Za Vu Zu, Crying Tools. Performance, 2009-2012.
Ha Za Vu Zu, Crying Tools. Performance, 2009-2012.
Ha Za Vu Zu, Crying Tools. Performance, 2009-2012.
Ha Za Vu Zu, Crying Tools. Performance, 2009-2012.
Ha Za Vu Zu, Crying Tools. Performance, 2009-2012.
Ha Za Vu Zu, Crying Tools. Performance, 2009-2012.