2013-08-22 - 2013-08-24:
Riikka Tauriainen, Romy Rüegger, Lorenz Hegi, Sarah Bernauer & Garrett Nelson, Dimitrina Sevova, Benjamin Egger. Curated by Dimitrina Sevova
Reading-performance by Riikka Tauriainen
Parallel reading of Gregg Bordowitz (The AIDS Crisis Is Ridiculous) and Vladimir Mayakovsky.
22 August 2013
Mixer: 18:45-20:30 – Night Session
Riikka Tauriainen, Parallel reading of Gregg Bordowitz (The AIDS Crisis Is Ridiculous) and Vladimir Mayakovsky. Photo: code flow.
Riikka Tauriainen, Parallel reading of Gregg Bordowitz (The AIDS Crisis Is Ridiculous) and Vladimir Mayakovsky. Photo: code flow.
Riikka Tauriainen, Parallel reading of Gregg Bordowitz (The AIDS Crisis Is Ridiculous) and Vladimir Mayakovsky. Photo: code flow.
Riikka Tauriainen, Parallel reading of Gregg Bordowitz (The AIDS Crisis Is Ridiculous) and Vladimir Mayakovsky. Photo: code flow.
Reading-performance by Romy Rüegger
A fabric in Turkey red
22 August 2013
Mixer: 18:45-20:30 – Night Session
Romy Rüegger, A fabric in Turkey red. Photo: code flow.
Romy Rüegger, A fabric in Turkey red. Photo: code flow.
Romy Rüegger, A fabric in Turkey red. Photo: code flow.
Romy Rüegger, A fabric in Turkey red. Photo: code flow.
Performance by Lorenz Hegi
Keeping up the flow
24 August 2013
Salt Galata: 13:45
Lorenz Hegi, Keeping up the flow. Photo: code flow.
Lorenz Hegi, Keeping up the flow. Photo: code flow.
Lorenz Hegi, Keeping up the flow. Photo: code flow.
Lorenz Hegi, Keeping up the flow. Photo: code flow.
Durational performance by Sarah Bernauer & Garrett Nelson
Squatted Trees
24 August 2013
Salt Galata: 14:30-20:00
Sarah Bernauer & Garrett Nelson, Squatted Trees. Photo: code flow.
Sarah Bernauer & Garrett Nelson, Squatted Trees. Photo: code flow.
Sarah Bernauer & Garrett Nelson, Squatted Trees. Photo: code flow.
Sarah Bernauer & Garrett Nelson, Squatted Trees. Photo: code flow.
Dance performance by Benjamin Egger
Swan Song
24 August 2013
Sanatorium: 17:00-20:00
Benjamin Egger, Swan Song. Photo: code flow.
Benjamin Egger, Swan Song. Photo: code flow.
Benjamin Egger, Swan Song. Photo: code flow.
Benjamin Egger, Swan Song. Photo: code flow.
Lecture-performance by Dimitrina Sevova
A Lecture-Performance about the Practice of Lecture-Performance (No more representative theatre, a thousand desiring machines, let a thousand flowers bloom)
24 August 2013
Sanatorium: 17:00-20:00
Dimitrina Sevova, A Lecture-Performance about the Practice of Lecture-Performance (No more representative theatre, a thousand desiring machines, let a thousand flowers bloom). Photo: Romy Rüegger.
Dimitrina Sevova, A Lecture-Performance about the Practice of Lecture-Performance (No more representative theatre, a thousand desiring machines, let a thousand flowers bloom). Photo: Romy Rüegger.
Dimitrina Sevova, A Lecture-Performance about the Practice of Lecture-Performance (No more representative theatre, a thousand desiring machines, let a thousand flowers bloom). Photo: Romy Rüegger.
Dimitrina Sevova, A Lecture-Performance about the Practice of Lecture-Performance (No more representative theatre, a thousand desiring machines, let a thousand flowers bloom). Photo: Romy Rüegger.
Dimitrina Sevova, A Lecture-Performance about the Practice of Lecture-Performance (No more representative theatre, a thousand desiring machines, let a thousand flowers bloom). Photo: Romy Rüegger.